Emergency Services in Port Blair

As Port Blair, which is the capital town of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is a famous tourist location, many people from all over the world visit the city every year. It is advisable to have contact numbers of all emergency services and government departments of the place where you are going to. It will help you get the services from them in emergency situations. Here are giving the address and contact details of emergency services such as police station, fire station, transport services and various government departments in Port Blair.

Andaman & Nicobar Police Head Office

Emergency services in Port BlairAddress: Raj Niwas, Port Blair, 744101, Andaman & Nicobar, India
Phone: 0392 233333, 230372, 232100
Website: police.and.nic.in

Police Control Room
Address: Police Control Room, Aberdeen, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Phone: 03192 232400

Fire Service Station
General Control Room: 101
Phone: 03192 232101/ 232107/ 232301/ 232320/ 232325

G. B Pant Hospital

  • Ambulance: 232102
  • Blood Bank: 230628/ 234821
  • Nursing Home GBP Hospital: 2322237
  • Emergency Duty Room OPD: 233473

Air Services
  • Jet Airways (Airport): 03192 235911
  • Indian Airlines, Airport: 234744
  • Air Deccan: 03192 231196
  • Spice Jet: 244670
  • Air Sahara: 237221, 239637
  • Kingfisher Airlines: 03192 211709

Shipping Services
  • Inter Island Vessels: 03192 232528, 245555
  • Haddo Jetty: 03192 232879
  • Afloat Communication (DSS): 03192 231794
  • Port Control Tower Atlanta Point: 03192 233683

Other Emergency Services

  • Inspector of general of Police: 03192 230216/ 230346 (R)
  • Disaster Management Control Room: 03192 238881
  • Telephone complaint: 230005, 198, 234000
  • Electricity Complaint: 03192 232786, 233522
  • Water supply complaint: 03192 230237
  • Telephone Directory Enquiry: 197
  • Bus Terminus: 03192 232278
  • LPG Booking Unit: 03192 2332357
  • Railway Reservation Counter: 03192 233042
  • Tourism Information: 03192 232747/ 232694
  • Mainland Shipping Information: 03192 245555
  • Shipping Corporation of India: 03192 233347
  • Head of Post Office: 03192 232226
  • Airport: 03192 233390
  • Tourism Police Office: 03192 231346

Phone number of administrative departments

  • Lieutenant Governor: 03192 233333/ 233300
  • Chief Secretary: 03192 233227/ 233087
  • Director of Tourism Department: 03192 230933/ 230234
  • Director (Industries): 03192 232395
  • Director (Fisheries): 03192 232770/ 232821
  • Director (Shipping): 03192 230480/ 230435
  • Director (Environment): 03192 233331/ 232635
  • Director (Agriculture): 03192 233257/ 232809
  • Director (Animal Husbandry): 03192 233286/ 232612
  • Director (Civil Supply) 03192 232321/ 232804
  • Director (Tribal Welfare): 03192 232623/ 233379
  • Director (Transport): 03192 230225
  • Director (Radio) AIR: 03192 232363
  • Director (Doordarshan) 03192 232434

Disaster Management in Port Blair

Being a coastal area, the islands of Andaman and Nicobar are always subjected to various types of disasters like Tzunami. Understanding this, Andaman and Nicobar Administration takes special care in the disaster management and rehabilitation services in the islands.  The Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation Section in Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been functioning within the Revenue Section, Secretariate right from the beginning. No regular staff is posted in this section, but, the staff are appointed on diverted capacity to work in Disaster Management, Relief & rehabilitation Section.

Disaster management services in Port Blair
disaster management drills are conducted in schools

Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation Section

The Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation Section of the Secretariat is working under the guidance, supervision and control of Commissioner-Cum-Secretary, who is the controlling authority and over-all in-charge of this section. All the matters related to this department should be submitted to his/her approval.

Deputy Secretary, the Branch Officer for Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation Section, is the responsible person to deal all correspondence and so all correspndance in this section should be submitted to him/her for appropriate recommendation and submission to the higher authorities wherever needed.

Office Superintendent, who is the in-charge of the section, supervises the work, checks the delay, ensures punctuality and discipline and monitors the movements of the files. Senior Investigator, Higher grade Clerk and Computer Assistant Grade ‘A’ are coming under Office superintendent and appointed on diverted capacity. The Senior Investigator prepares reports on all matters related to Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Sections, while Higher Grade Clerk deals various Disaster management, relief and rehabilitation matters that are received from the departments of A & N Administration. Upkeep and maintenance of all computer hardware, peripherals and networking of the section is the main duty of Higher Assistant grade ‘A’.

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